Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Busy Busy Busy.....

I guess the time has come for me to start blogging about my business. It seems to me that pretty much all photographers have a link on their website to their blogs. So I guess I will follow along :) In August I bought my first camera and decided to see where it would take me. "Designs by DiFulvio Photography" was born and has been taking me on a wild journey ever since. I began this blog to share whats going on in my little world of photography with clients and potential clients who have made this journey possible. I am constantly learning about photography. I haven't learned anything that hasn't come from doing it first. I have made mistakes, been put in situations I have never thought I would be in, been invited into people's lives I never would have met, and all the while enjoying every single freakin minute of it. I absolutely love my job. I don't even like to call it a job. The word "job" has never been my friend. What I'm doing now doesn't even feel like work, it is my passion and I get excited about it. I remember in high school my room was covered in pictures, floor to ceiling. My whole life I have been obsessed with taking pics, making picture collages, scrapbooking, etc. It's no wonder the second I took a photography class I feel in love. So as the new year begins I want to share my experiences.

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